June 14, 2017








1. 4 dentists making headlines  Full story
2. Delta Dental cuts reimbursement rates to remain competitive: 5 notes  Full story
3. Board leaders speak out on abrupt firing of Martha Vineyard Hospital CEO: 8 things to know Full story
4. Henry Schein rises to No. 243 in Fortune 500 ranking: 3 insights  Full story
5. Cosmetic implant market to increase at 7.1% CAGR annually Full story


6. OIG: CMS made $729.4M in erroneous EHR incentive payments Full story


7. How much were new patients worth dental practices in 2016? Full story


8. Geistlich leads US dental bone graft substitute market: 3 key notes  Full story


9. 3 dental company key notes Full story 


10. Missouri Mission of Mercy Clinic provides $800k in free dental care  Full story














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Becker's Dental Review
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