How much does it cost to attend the best dental schools?

Ann Arbor-based University of Michigan is ranked the top school for dentistry in the world by QS World University Rankings, and it costs residents $44,942 and nonresidents $60,817 annually to be part of the dental program.

Schools were ranked based on five categories: academic reputation, employer reputation, research citations per paper, H-index and international research network.

Here's how much it costs to attend the best dental schools in the U.S.:

Note: Some schools include fees in their listed tuition. These numbers reflect how much it would cost for a first-year student to be in each schools' dental program.

1. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Resident: $44,942

Nonresident: $60,817

6. University of California San Francisco

Resident: $11,700

Nonresident: $23,945

11. Harvard University (Boston)

Private tuition: $67,610

18. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Resident: $58,237 

Nonresident: $100,273

19. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

Private tuition: $83,122

20. University of California Los Angeles

Resident: $19,626

Nonresident: $31,871

23. New York University (New York City)

Private tuition: $92,248

24. University of Washington (Seattle)

Resident: $55,422

Nonresident: $84,926

39. The Ohio State University (Columbus) 

Resident: $47,668

Nonresident: $94,920

39. Tufts University (Medford, Mass.)

Private tuition: $87,384*

*Reflects 2023-24 data

39. University of Iowa (Iowa City) 

Resident: $54,786

Nonresident: $79,924

45. Columbia University (New York City)

Private tuition: $89,788

49. University at Buffalo (N.Y.)

Resident: $36,900

Nonresident: $63,580

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