Median hourly pay for dental hygienists since 2001

The median hourly wage for dental hygienists was $39.14 in 2022, a 3.1% decrease from 2021, according to the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.

The 90th percentile for dental hygienists was $51.75, and the 10th percentile was $29.57. 

The ADA collected the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and used the consumer price index to adjust the wages for inflation.

Here is the inflation-adjusted median hourly wage for dental hygienists in the U.S. from 2001 to 2022:

2001: $43.46

2002: $43.26

2003: $43.10

2004: $43.46

2005: $43.88

2006: $43.83

2007: $43.92

2008: $43.50

2009: $44.17

2010: $44.03

2011: $43.34

2012: $43.02

2013: $42.95

2014: $42.50

2015: $42.93

2016: $42.74

2017: $42.52

2018: $41.92

2019: $41.95

2020: $41.91

2021: $40.40

2022: $39.14

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