Average hourly wage for dental hygienists by experience level

The average hourly rates for dental hygienists based on years of experience varied by less than $2 an hour, according to Dentalpost's Dental Salary Survey for 2024.

The report surveyed 1,562 full- and part-time registered dental hygienists from July to September 2023. 

The average hourly wage for dental hygienists in 2023 was $45.75, increasing by 7.85% from 2022. 

The highest-earning group was dental hygienists with 14 to 19 years of experience, bringing in an average of $46.32 per hour. Hygienists with less than four years of experience were the lowest-earning group at $45.16 per hour, only $1.16 per hour less. Late-career hygienists earn slightly less on average than mid-career hygienists. 

Here is the average hourly wage for dental hygienists based on their experience level:

Less than four years of experience: $45.16 per hour

Four to six years of experience: $45.84 per hour

Six to nine years of experience: $45.33 per hour

Nine to 14 years of experience: $46.19 per hour

Fourteen to 19 years of experience: $46.32 per hour

Nineteen to 25 years of experience: $45.48 per hour

More than 25 years of experience: $45.51 per hour

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