Oral diseases cause $710B in treatment costs, productivity loss annually: Report

Oral diseases lead to a global economic burden of $710 billion each year in treatment costs and productivity losses, according to a report from the World Economic Forum.

Approximately 3.5 billion individuals are affected by oral diseases annually, which can lead to the development of other illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, heart and respiratory diseases and cancer.

The report advocates for a larger investment in oral health through public-private collaboration. Potential action items suggested in the report include:

  • Integrating oral health coverage within public health insurance programs by governments as part of universal health coverage policies. 
  • Expanding oral health services coverage by business in employer-provided health insurance programs. 
  • Bringing oral health into the conversation when organizations such as the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization search for ways to improve health systems. 
  • Investment into oral health activities from civil society organizations.

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