Georgia legislation offers dentists tax cut to move to rural areas
The Georgia General Assembly is weighing a bill that would provide a tax break to dentists and doctors that move to rural areas of the state, according to a Jan. 28 report by Rome News-Tribune.
9 state dental societies introduce dental loss ratio legislation in 2024
Dental societies in nine states have introduced legislation in 2024 to implement a dental loss ratio.
VCU to study Virginia's Medicaid dental policies
The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry received a nearly $1 million grant to examine the effect Virginia's Medicaid dental policies have on access and use of care.
Indiana Senate introduces bill to revamp rules for dental insurers
Members of the Indiana Senate presented SB 132, which establishes accountability for dental insurers in the state.
ADA pushes for dental as an essential health benefit, dental loss ratio
The American Dental Association showed its support for the removal of a current prohibition of adult dental coverage proposed by CMS.
Massachusetts to implement medical loss ratio for dental insurers in 2024
Dental insurance carriers will be subject to a medical loss ratio in Massachusetts starting Jan. 1, according to a Dec. 28 report by local news station WPRI.
22 dental Medicare, Medicaid updates from 2023
Here are 22 updates on dental Medicare and Medicaid that Becker's reported on in 2023:
US dental spending dropped $11B in 2022
National dental expenditures were $165 billion in 2022, a decrease of 6.3% compared to 2021, according to data from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.
Ohio legislators introduce bill to prevent Medicaid dental coverage denials
Two Ohio legislators have introduced a bill that would prevent dental patients from being denied Medicaid coverage solely because of their age, the Statehouse News Bureau reported Dec. 26.
Law firm investigating Delta Dental of California data breach
The law firm Lynch Carpenter is investigating claims against Delta Dental of California related to a recent data breach, according to a Dec. 18 news release.
BCBS Massachusetts expands dental benefits for members with mental health conditions
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is introducing expanded dental benefits for its members with mental health conditions.
DentaQuest to expand access to care for Michigan members
DentaQuest, a dental benefits provider to more than 2 million members in Michigan, is creating new programs to improve access to care.
Pennsylvania legislators advance bill to restore Medicaid dental coverage
The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently advanced a bill that would restore dental coverage under the state's Medicaid program.
6 dental insurance updates
Here are six updates on the dental insurance industry that Becker's has reported on since Nov. 13:
Biden Administration proposes rule to add adult dental coverage as essential health benefit under ACA: 3 notes
A proposed rule would allow states to include adult dental services as an essential health benefit under the Affordable Care Act.
22% of adults do not have dental coverage
More than 22% of adults in the U.S. between the ages of 19 and 64 did not have any kind of dental insurance in 2021, according to research from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.
Maine Medicaid patients struggle to find care despite expanded coverage
MaineCare patients are having difficulties finding dentists who accept Medicaid, The Maine Monitor reported Nov. 19.
The ADA weighs in on 2024 Medicare fee schedule
The American Dental Association voiced its thoughts on the 2024 Medicare physician fee schedule final rule, which was finalized earlier this month.
Senator pens letter to dental Medicaid insurers questioning accessibility barriers
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois recently wrote a letter to three dental Medicaid administrators requesting information to help improve access to dental care.
Vyne Dental to offer in-house dental plans
Vyne Dental, a dental revenue technology company, is launching Vyne Dental Plans through a partnership with Subscribili.
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